We are happy to announce our Sustainable Aviation Day as part of the Airline Strategies lecture on Friday, April 11, 2025.
Sustainability has become a major strategic challenge for the airline industry. High uncertainties regarding technological advancements and regulatory changes make long-term strategies and their financing increasingly complex.
At the event, internationally renowned experts from academia, finance, regulation and the industry will discuss:
- The role of science in developing sustainable aviation strategies.
- Policies related to sustainability in aviation.
- Whether there is a single best strategy for making aviation more sustainable.
The event will take place on Friday, April 11, 2025, starting at 9:00 AM (CEST) in room 00 135 RW 2 in ReWi I and online via Microsoft Teams as a hybrid series of one-hour online lectures.
Our special thanks go to Lufthansa Frankfurt, SMBC Aviation Capital Dublin, UCL London, Cirium Risk Data London, EU Commission – Directorate General Clima, Arena Aviation Capital Amsterdam, Scripps Institution of Oceanography - UC San Diego, Boeing Seattle and Impact on sustainable aviation e.V. Frankfurt am Main for their support in making this event possible.
We look forward to your participation.
Register until Monday, April 7, 2025 using the following link: https://zukunft.uni-mainz.de/sustanable-aviation/
Am 16. Januar 2025 war es wieder so weit: 20 engagierte Teams präsentierten die Ergebnisse ihrer Projektarbeit im Rahmen der Veranstaltung „Entwicklung von betrieblichen Informationssystemen“. Ziel der Projektarbeiten war es, innerhalb von 8 Wochen die Idee für ein eigenes Informationssystem zu entwickeln, den Entwicklungsprozess zu planen und schließlich umzusetzen. Wir haben viele kreative und mit viel Liebe zum Detail gestaltete Webanwendungen gesehen und bedanken uns herzlich bei allen Teilnehmern für ihr Engagement! Herzlichen Glückwunsch an die Gewinnergruppe „Ride Share“, die eine Plattform zur Vermietung privater Fahrzeuge entwickelt hat. Die Sieger wurden mit einer Einladung von Prof. Rothlauf ausgezeichnet.
In 2024, Prof. Dr. Franz Rothlauf received the SIGEVO Outstanding Contribution Award, which recognizes remarkable contributions to Evolutionary Computation (EC) when evaluated over a sustained period of at least 15 years. These contributions can include technical innovations, publications, leadership, teaching, mentoring, and service to the EC community. To celebrate these distinctions, Franz (as well as Anne Auger) kindly answered some questions reflecting on their contributions and views on evolutionary computation as well as their advice to young researchers in the field.
The full interview can be found in the newsletter of SIGEVO: