Wirtschaftsinformatik VII: Airline Strategies und Airline Strategies in Practice

  1. Projektveranstaltung
  2. Workshop


03.996.3265   Wirtschaftsinformatik VI: Projektarbeit: Airline Strategies in Practice
Dr. Philipp Goedeking; Univ.-Prof. Dr. Franz Rothlauf

Kurzname: Winfo VI Projektarb.

Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches


This class will be taught in German or English, depending on students’ preferences. Students will prepare presentations on demanding subjects in English, using a pre-determined visual format with graphs, charts and other content. Prior successful participation in the class, Airline Strategies (03.996.3276), is required.

Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches


This class will be taught in German or English, depending on students’ preferences. Students will prepare presentations on demanding subjects in English, using a pre-determined visual format with graphs, charts and other content. Prior successful participation in the class, Airline Strategies (03.996.3276), is required.

Empfohlene Literatur

Recommended literature:
Doganis, Rigas. Flying Off Course. Routledge, 2010.
Minto, Barbara The Pyramid Principle: Logic in Writing and Thinking. Prentice Hall, 2008.
Goedeking, Philipp. Networks in Aviation: Strategies and Structures. Springer, 2010.
Morrell, Peter. Airline Finance. Ashgate, 2013.
Sterzenbach, R. and Conrady, R. Luftverkehr. Oldenbourg, 2012.
Wensveen, John G. Air Transportation. Ashgate, 2011.

Empfohlene Literatur

Recommended literature:
Doganis, Rigas. Flying Off Course. Routledge, 2010.
Minto, Barbara The Pyramid Principle: Logic in Writing and Thinking. Prentice Hall, 2008.
Goedeking, Philipp. Networks in Aviation: Strategies and Structures. Springer, 2010.
Morrell, Peter. Airline Finance. Ashgate, 2013.
Sterzenbach, R. and Conrady, R. Luftverkehr. Oldenbourg, 2012.
Wensveen, John G. Air Transportation. Ashgate, 2011.


Course description:

Students will first learn about the structure and constituents of modern business plans, as well as basic reasoning and graphics standards of presentations in top management consulting.

Students will then be divided into separate teams of up to seven participants each. The total number of teams and their size will depend on the number of participants. Each team will be given a realistic assignment, simulating a real airline strategy-consulting project. Each assignment comprises a description of the “client,” a detailed description of the challenge to be addressed, and an initial package of data (some real, some fictitious). Each team then has to prepare a final report for the “client,” analyzing the problem at hand, assessing key strategic options, and recommending a way forward including a business plan (i.e., measures, milestones, cost and revenue impact, risks).

The seminar will take place once a week, in a day-long platform, during which all teams can present and pose challenges to their work, ask questions, set priorities, ask for additional data, and refine working hypotheses.

The final presentation will be delivered to a panel of lecturers, senior professionals from global strategy consulting firms, and top airline company executives. This panel will also rate each presentation and accompanying discussion. This assessment will serve as the basis for individual grades.


Airline functions: Network management, pricing, revenue management, flight operations, MRO | Airline strategy: LCC, network carrier, hybrid carrier, regional airline, airlines alliances |IT: Global Distribution Systems (GDS), Central Reservation Systems (CRS), aircraft rotations, crew management | Reasoning techniques: Pyramid principle | General: Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A)


Course description:

Students will first learn about the structure and constituents of modern business plans, as well as basic reasoning and graphics standards of presentations in top management consulting.

Students will then be divided into separate teams of up to seven participants each. The total number of teams and their size will depend on the number of participants. Each team will be given a realistic assignment, simulating a real airline strategy-consulting project. Each assignment comprises a description of the “client,” a detailed description of the challenge to be addressed, and an initial package of data (some real, some fictitious). Each team then has to prepare a final report for the “client,” analyzing the problem at hand, assessing key strategic options, and recommending a way forward including a business plan (i.e., measures, milestones, cost and revenue impact, risks).

The seminar will take place once a week, in a day-long platform, during which all teams can present and pose challenges to their work, ask questions, set priorities, ask for additional data, and refine working hypotheses.

The final presentation will be delivered to a panel of lecturers, senior professionals from global strategy consulting firms, and top airline company executives. This panel will also rate each presentation and accompanying discussion. This assessment will serve as the basis for individual grades.


Airline functions: Network management, pricing, revenue management, flight operations, MRO | Airline strategy: LCC, network carrier, hybrid carrier, regional airline, airlines alliances |IT: Global Distribution Systems (GDS), Central Reservation Systems (CRS), aircraft rotations, crew management | Reasoning techniques: Pyramid principle | General: Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A)


03.996.3276   Wirtschaftsinformatik VII: Airline Strategies
Dr. Philipp Goedeking

Kurzname: Winfo VII Airline

Zusätzliche Informationen

Bitte melden Sie sich rechtzeitig zur Klausur (Fr 22.04.16, 14 bis 15 Uhr) über JOGU-StINE an. (Anmeldezeit: Mo 18.04. bis Do 21.04.16). Ohne Anmeldung ist die Teilnahme an der Klausur nicht möglich. Vielen Dank.

Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches

This class will be taught in German or English, depending on students’ preferences. Familiarity with basic concepts of pricing, logistics, finance, controlling, and macroeconomics is an asset but not essential.
The class will take place as a block of four full-day lectures in the first week of the semester. Most subjects will build on each other over the course of the week. Thorough understanding of the material and passing the test at the end of the course will require regular attendance. Most, but not all material used in the class will be made available to students at the beginning of the course. Regular attendance and passing the exam (or the same course during SS 2015) are required for students who wish to attend the subsequent seminar (Projektarbeit), Airline Strategies in Practice.

Empfohlene Literatur

Recommended literature:
Clark, Paul. Buying the Big Jets. Ashgate, 2001.
Doganis, Rigas. Flying Off Course. Routledge, 2010.
Goedeking, Philipp. Networks in Aviation: Strategies and Structures. Springer, 2010.
Morrell, Peter. Airline Finance. Ashgate, 2013.
Sterzenbach, R. and Conrady, R. Luftverkehr. Oldenbourg, 2012.
Wensveen, John G. Air Transportation. Ashgate, 2011.


Course description:

The course will focus on up-to-date airline strategies and address some of the strategic challenges of airports, manufacturers, and regulators. It will outline the regulatory framework of global aviation, including current aspects of controversy like emissions trading, national ownership and
control, and state aid. The drivers of airline economics such as asset financing, asset utilization, HR, and relevant macroeconomics (i.e. fuel price) will be reviewed, as well as the specific complexities of airline controlling. Key airline functions such as pricing, revenue management, network planning, sales and distribution, flight operations, and some engineering aspects of the aviation system will be explained. The fundamental mechanisms of airline competition will be described. Understanding these aspects first will allow an in-depth analysis of typical airline strategies such as “low cost,” “regional,” “global multi-hub,” or others. The course will emphasize quantitative analysis whenever relevant.


Airline regulation: IATA, ICAO, Chicago Convention, national ownership & effective control, emissions trading | Airline functions: Network management, pricing, revenue management, flight operations, MRO | Airline strategy: LCC, network carrier, hybrid carrier, regional airline |IT: Global Distribution Systems (GDS), Central Reservation Systems (CRS), aircraft rotations, crew management.


Course description:

The course will focus on up-to-date airline strategies and address some of the strategic challenges of airports, manufacturers, and regulators. It will outline the regulatory framework of global aviation, including current aspects of controversy like emissions trading, national ownership and control, and state aid. The drivers of airline economics such as asset financing, asset utilization, HR, and relevant macroeconomics (i.e. fuel price) will be reviewed, as well as the specific complexities of airline controlling. Key airline functions such as pricing, revenue management, network planning, sales and distribution, flight operations, and some engineering aspects of the aviation system will be explained. The fundamental mechanisms of airline competition will be described. Understanding these aspects first will allow an in-depth analysis of typical airline strategies such as “low cost,” “regional,” “global multi-hub,” or others. The course will emphasize quantitative analysis whenever relevant.


Airline regulation: IATA, ICAO, Chicago Convention, national ownership & effective control, emissions trading | Airline functions: Network management, pricing, revenue management, flight operations, MRO | Airline strategy: LCC, network carrier, hybrid carrier, regional airline |IT: Global Distribution Systems (GDS), Central Reservation Systems (CRS), aircraft rotations, crew management.

Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches

This class will be taught in German or English, depending on students’ preferences. Familiarity with basic concepts of pricing, logistics, finance, controlling, and macroeconomics is an asset but not essential.
The class will take place as a block of four full-day lectures in the first week of the semester. Most subjects will build on each other over the course of the week. Thorough understanding of the material and passing the test at the end of the course will require regular attendance. Most, but not all material used in the class will be made available to students at the beginning of the course. Regular attendance and passing the exam (or the same course during SS 2015) are required for students who wish to attend the subsequent seminar (Projektarbeit), Airline Strategies in Practice.

Empfohlene Literatur

Recommended literature:
Clark, Paul. Buying the Big Jets. Ashgate, 2001.
Doganis, Rigas. Flying Off Course. Routledge, 2010.
Goedeking, Philipp. Networks in Aviation: Strategies and Structures. Springer, 2010.
Morrell, Peter. Airline Finance. Ashgate, 2013.
Sterzenbach, R. and Conrady, R. Luftverkehr. Oldenbourg, 2012.
Wensveen, John G. Air Transportation. Ashgate, 2011.


Wochentag Datum Uhrzeit Ort
Montag 18.04.2016 13.00 - 18.30 Uhr 00 241 HS IV, 1121 - Haus Recht und Wirtschaft II
Dienstag 19.04.2016 13.00 - 18.30 Uhr 00 241 HS IV, 1121 - Haus Recht und Wirtschaft II
Mittwoch 20.04.2016 14.00 - 19.30 Uhr 00 241 HS IV, 1121 - Haus Recht und Wirtschaft II
Donnerstag 21.04.2016 14.00 - 19.00 Uhr 00 421 N 6, 1341 - Naturwissenschaftliches Institutsgebäude
Freitag 22.04.2016 09.00 - 12.30 Uhr 00 241 HS IV, 1121 - Haus Recht und Wirtschaft II
Freitag 22.04.2016 14.00 - 15.00 Uhr 00 241 HS IV, 1121 - Haus Recht und Wirtschaft II